
Observations of the world from a former elementary school teacher, now world traveler, as she accompanies her military spouse across the world. Adventures abound!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's been awhile...

It has been awhile since my last post, as I have been busy acclimating to Thailand and the "Thai" way of life. Since I last wrote, I have ridden an elephant, shopped in many "smelly" markets, celebrated Songkran (the insanely wet Thai New Year), begun Thai language classes, and basically I am in the process of learning my way around Chiang Mai and loving it. Our housekeeper started a few weeks ago, and it has been an adjustment having someone cook, clean, wash and press your clothes, and basically take care of all of the necessities of home life. It's not so bad, though!
We have been exploring the town, and have learned many things about the Thai way of life. For instance, eating locally is MUCH MUCH cheaper than shopping and cooking on your own. Lunch costs about 20 baht a day (about 60 cents), and we spend less than 150 baht going to dinner at night. We’ve even had some really good Greek and Italian food here (you’d be surprised at the diversity), but we are trying as much Thai as possible. I am trying to learn to speak as much Thai as possible (We started classes on the 29th of March) so that I can order at the market and be understood. I’ve found a few dishes (I love super spicy foods) and can pretty much order them in a clutch, but you never know what you might get. If you are looking at the market pictures, to answer the most obvious question, NO, I haven’t eaten the roaches (I go to Warorot market only when I want to LOSE my appetite), but they put these really gross dried shrimp that are still in their shells with their eyes on them on a lot of the dishes, and I haven’t figured out how to say I don’t like them, but they taste really bad. One night when we went to dinner we tried some weird stuff, and the group we were with really liked eating the fish heads (I couldn’t stomach that!) But they’ve been here for about a year, and they said after awhile you just want to be braver and try some “other” things. But for the most part, Thai food is really good—I love it.
Warorot Market

As for other things, I’ve found a running buddy and I’ve been taking private tennis lessons a few mornings a week (it is really cheap), and I am getting good at getting around. Songkran was this week, so be sure to check those pictures out!
Anyhow, I will try to post more often. Enjoy!
(Click on the pictures to see the album)

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

We've made it to Thailand!

It's been awhile since my last post, and in that time I have packed up, moved half-way across the world, had a wild experience with a suspicious Tuk-tuk driver, and moved into a "mansion" in the outskirts of one of Thailand's major cities. It has been quite a few days!
Our new home in Chiang Mai IS HUGE! We have 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms inside, and then we have another "guesthouse" or housekeeper quarters with 2 rooms and a bathroom that is across the carport. It is BY FAR the nicest house I have ever lived in. The house is so big, that I did not complain when we went and hired a housekeeper. When else in my life am I going to be able to afford a full-time maid on a teacher's salary?
Right now we only have the luggage we came with, and for another month or 3 we won't have our things. I am working on how to get around. It seems that most people use bikes to ride around the housing area and the villages. Unable to wait for mine, we actually bought new TREK bikes for WAY less than the states. The only major danger is the crazy drivers and major potholes on the roads (along with the random crossing cattle or rooster!)
Yesterday I learned how to ride a Songthaew which is a pickup truck with benches built in the back and a covering on top. It cost about 10 BAHT each way (around 30 cents) into town. I have also ridden in a tuk-tuk, which is a motorcycle with 2 seats built onto the back (it's a bit scary to do that!). There are a LOT of markets around here, and everything is really really cheap. We have been eating out everynight, and dinner for 2 has cost us less than $5 total, so it is cheaper to do that than shop and cook (and I am having just a wee bit of trouble reading the Thai boxes). Fruit here is like HEAVEN and it is the sweetest stuff you will ever taste. We've been having a lot of that. So far I haven't seen much around here but the shops, but I have 2 years to do all of that.
The weather is a bit hotter than Florida, and it isn't summer yet when it will rain everyday. The only bad thing is the air quality--Thai's burn EVERYTHING, and they are burning the fields right now so the sky is pretty much smoky for 3/4 of the day.
Anyhow, that pretty much sums up everything so far. I am learning more and more each day. I have a feeling that the next 2 years are going to be quite an experience! Adventures abound!

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Thursday Thirteen--Edition 2

Thursday THIRTEEN--2nd Edition

13 Things I will NOT miss about the cold weather in NJ

1. Multiple pairs of socks

2. Chapped lips, hands, skin, etc.

3. Wearing so many layers that you sweat on the bottom layer and then freeze when you go out into the cold because the bottom layer is so wet.

4. Cold feet and fingers.

5. Dirty snow

6. Waiting for the heat in the car to kick in.

7. Being stuck indoors because it is too cold to be outside.

8. Not being able to walk outside because of unshoveled sidewalks.

9. Salt stained cars

10. Shopping while dressed like an eskimo--too much trouble!

11. Craving comfort foods when you know they're not good for you!

12. Early darkness

13. Wet shoes on clean floors.


Friday, February 16, 2007

So long FLORIDA!

Well, it's been a busy, busy week..and I haven't had time to do anything that doesn't do with moving, cleaning, or leaving Florida. But, finally, we are finished and ready for our move to Thailand, and if our flight ever leaves the Orlando airport (we are stuck in a hotel for the night), the rest of my life will finally have a chance to begin!
In the past week, I have tossed things, packed things, sorted things that I need sooner from later, shipped things, stored things, and in the process, I've come to realize how much USELESS and POINTLESS JUNK that I have accumulated in my short life. When it comes down to it, I have had to realize that much of what I have I don't NEED, but yet it is so hard to part with some of those things and the memories that they have. I think that has been one of the hardest things that I have dealt with this week, along with deciding what I need to put into storage for the next few years (we are restricted as to how much weight we can ship). It's kinda sad that as the guys are packing my things (one of the benefits of the USAF is not having to actually pack your things yourself when you move!) I was thinking to myself, do I really need a whole box of beach shells when I am in Thailand, and actually letting the guys still pack it! It is so hard to prioritize when you are so overwhelmed. But we do live in a "material world"... (Thanks, Madonna)
And then there was the cleaning--I have never had such dishpan hands in my life! Prepping an entire house from corner to corner for an AF inspection was an absolute HORROR! I have never spent so much time scrubbing in my life! And I now can see the benefits to getting a maid for the next few years while in Thailand...it does have its perks, I guess!
Anyhow, as I ramble in this post, you can probably see the rambling that has been going on in my mind....so much to do, so much to miss.....so much to miss....
I can't go on writing any longer, I'll post more to this when I get my thoughts straight...


Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thursday Thirteen--1st Edtion

Thirteen Things About ME

This is my first attempt at a Thursday Thirteen.......so here it goes:

13 Things about me!

1…. I am an Air Force wife, and we're moving overseas in 10 days!

2. I love to drink Chocolate Martinis, and I especially love new martini recipes!

3. I am working on becoming a better runner--consistently making myself sweat it out is paying off (I hope!)

4. I love the beach and being in the sun, hence the great tan.

5. My grandma is one of the most important people in my life, and I miss her.

6. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate..........enough said!

7. I am a teacher (although currently on hiatus because of the move),and I truly love watching children learn and grow.

8. Right now I should really be packing.......but I am obviously easily distracted.

9. I don't watch much TV, but if I do I tend to prefer the Food Network and GSN (can't beat those old-fashioned game shows!)

10. I tear through books on a daily basis, and I read the newspaper cover to cover almost everyday.

11. I love to cook and try new recipes.

12. I can wiggle my ears, touch my tongue to my nose, lift one eyebrow at a time, and juggle--I am quite self-entertaining!

13. My newest hobby is quilting, and I love to see the product of all my hardwork come to be.

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!
1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!)

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!