For my fellow teachers...
As mentioned, until a short (very short) while ago, I worked as an elementary school teacher in the test heavy state of Florida. I wrote this poem on a very stressful day, and now I dedicate it to my former colleagues. Are there any other teachers who can relate?
Another day, another hour
How I wish I had more power
To do my job without such woe
That as a teacher I do know.

Data, data should drive your day,
"Use the numbers, do as I say,"
Forget any learning that includes art
1st graders should know their algebra by heart!
90 minutes for reading writing and math,
And don't forget your science class!
What--the restroom calls, oh do you say?
Too bad--hold it--go another day!
And should your school not make AYP--
It's all your fault, now don't you see.
Who cares if paperwork is a highpile
Get it done, and make sure to smile!
Forget your family, dog and cat,
Who cares if you are getting fat!
On Thursday's faculty meeting day,
Another binder comes your way!
Find the time--try this stuff out--
"When, oh when, can I?" you shout!
The children don't have time to pee--
Work on work causes them woe, not glee!
As now I lay myself down to rest,
Upon the pile a top my desk,
I wonder, wonder, wonder why
Teachers all just want to cry!
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